
Holi in India

Holi is not only the oldest festival of India, it is most vibrant of all. Also it is called festival of colours. The joys of holi knows no bound. The festival is celebrated across the country or rather across the globe. Holi also celebrates the arrival of Spring, a season of joy and hope. It is celebrated in the month of March, according to the Hindu calendar month of Phalguna.

Story of Holika
According to one popular version of the story, an evil king became so powerful that he forced his subjects to worship him as their god. But to the king’s ire, his son Prahlada continued to be an ardent devotee of the Lord Vishnu.The  angry king plotted with his sister, Holika, to kill his son.  Holika, who is immune to fire, tricked Prahlada to sit in a pyre with her. When the pyre was lit, the boy’s devotion to Lord Vishnu helped him walk away unscathed while Holika, from whom the festival derives its name, was burned to death despite her immunity.

Radha and Krishan
The legend of Radha and Krishna is closely linked with this tradition of colors on Holi. Young Krishna, who had a dark complexion was jealous of his beloved Radha;s extremely fair skin. In a mischievous mood, he applied colour on Radha;s face. Following this ancient legend, lovers till date long to colour their beloved as an expression of love.